Friday, March 1, 2019

Creating our own cartoons on the story so far

Today we are going to capture what we have read/listened to of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by making group cartoons.

  1. What are the key words and events you remember from the story so far?
  2. Decide in your groups on key images, symbols and quotes which you want to use in your cartoons.
  3. Using A4 or A3 paper, make you cartoon.  You can divide the sheet up so that you can work on different sections individually and then paste them back together, or all work on the same big sheet.
  4. At 9:40am, each group will present their cartoons to the class
Learning objective: to identify key events and information in Part Time Indian and show our understanding of them creatively.
Success criteria
  • I can identify key events, characters and ideas in the novel so far
  • I can create a cartoon to show my understanding of these events, characters and ideas.
  • I can share my creation with the class, and explain our group choices to this wider audience.

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