Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Learning for Tuesday 12 November 2019

Morena 10QI
I am off school sick today.  I've had to change the activities around a bit due to not being with you.  I've also set up a workspace, as I know that is what you are often used to in other subjects.

Please go to your student dashboard and find the workspace called 10QI Ncea Preparation (the link is for your relief teacher).

Your first activity is a writing one: what would you like to be doing when you are 25 (link for reliever here).  You have one minute of planning and question time, and then 12 minutes of silent writing.

Secondly, please watch the NCEA video.  It is a bit corny, but hopefully useful.  Your reliever and you can work out together whether they play it on the big screen, or you watch it individually on your chromebooks.

Thirdly, I want you to work in groups to make a 'highlights of year 10 video."  Instructions are also on the workspace.  Link for reliever here.

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