Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday 26 September 2019

Kia ora 10QI students
What happened yesterday?  I can't see any writing from anyone in your English folders on Google Drive, and no one emailed me at the end of the lesson with one thing they had learned and one question/thing they needed help with.

Your brainstorms on A3 paper from Tuesday will be on my desk.  The two prompts to choose from for your writing are here.  I made an exemplar of a plan, an introduction and a SEXY paragraph here.  I've made a few changes this morning at the bottom of the document.

I want you all to have a really good go at this work.  The skills are useful for your writing in lots of subjects next year, and will prepare you for the asttle writing test next term.

If you are stuck and no one around you can help, please email me.  The bug I have means I am asleep a lot, but if I am awake, then I will definitely be happy to help.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Essay resources

Kia ora koutou
I am off sick today, but I've made some resources to help you with your persuasive writing.

Please start the lesson with 15 minutes of silent reading.  Hopefully you have brought your dystopian novels with you to class.

Then I want you to carry on with your planning for your essays on hope vs despair or on the priorities of the school cafe.  I have made some resources for you here to show you how to move from first brainstorm to planning what will go in each paragraph.  Then I have included the parts of an essay, a reminder about a SEXY paragraph and an exemplar of an introduction and a SEXY paragraph.

Today I want you to make a detailed plan, and to write your introduction.

In the last ten minutes of the lesson, I want each of you to email me with:
1. One thing you have learned or achieved today
2. One thing you need more help on tomorrow.

Thanks.  Ngā mihi, Ms Quick

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Writing to persuade

The last week of term!
This week is about writing to persuade.  We are going to use the context of our reading dystopian novels.  I have put two choices for you for your writing.  

For each one, I am looking to see you:

  • develop ideas with supporting details and examples and explanations
  • to use powerful vocabulary
  • use the essay writing structure (introduction, SEXY main body paragraphs, conclusion)
Hope is more powerful than despair
Do you agree or disagree?  Based on your reading of dystopian novels, are there ideas to support both sides of this topic?  Write to persuade your reader of your ideas.


Our school cafeteria should focus on healthy food
Do you agree or disagree? Are there ideas to support both sides of this topic? Write to persuade your reader of your ideas.

We will start with brainstorming ideas, and looking at what it means to meet each level of the ideas criteria:
1. Ideas are relevant and begin to show some complexity AND Text has one elaborated idea OR Text has several ideas that have some elaboration
2. Ideas are complex and elaborated
3. Ideas show insight, originality and some authority and/or reflection on the wider world 
Ideas are deliberately selected, effective and elaborated

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Exploring setting in dystopian novels

Setting is the word we use to describe the time and place that a novel takes place in.

So the setting for The Hunger Games is in the future, perhaps 50 years ahead of now, in a place that once was part of America.  It ranges across the country, involving District 12, a coal mining district, the much much wealthier capitol where the president lives and the Hunger Games parades happen, and a place which isn't given a clear location in the wild, perhaps near the capitol, perhaps a distance away. 

The setting for Road to Winter is also set in the future, perhaps 50 years or perhaps less ahead of now, in a place that is recognisably Australia.  The key differences in the setting of the novel compared to a novel about Australia in 2019 is the isolation, as all forms of communication have stopped.  There is no postal service, no internet, no delivery trucks, no education or medical services and mostly no people.

1. In your blog post for today, I want you to describe the setting in your novel, including the time and the place.  You should write 100-150 words.

2. Then I want you to compare the setting in your novel with other dystopian novels or films you have read or watched recently.  This could be just The Hunger Games and The Road to Winter, or it could include others that you have also read.  You will need to create the table in a doc before you can add it to your blog.  In your English folder on Google Drive, you will find a table ready for you to fill in called "Table comparing setting in dystopian texts."

Aspects of setting
My current novel (insert title & author)
Text 1
Text 2
Time - past, present or future

Setting - physical

Setting - organisation of people

Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday reading & kahoots

Today we will start with reading our own novels, and I will read your blog posts while you are reading.

Then we will have a quick revision on the whiteboard of the following language techniques:

After that, it is Kahoot time!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

protagonist vs antagonist

Today we are going to look at good and evil - as seen through characters in our novels.  The key terms we will use are the protagonist and the antagonist.

What is the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist?

Blog post #2 The villain and the hero
Who is your hero so far in your novel?
Describe what they have done which is heroic.

Who is your villain so far in your novel?
Describe what they have done which is villainous.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Our own reading & Hopepunk

This term we are focusing on dystopian texts.  We watched The Hunger Games at the end of Term Two and we have read The Road to Winter as a class.  Some students read ahead and then read (variously) Z is for Zachariah and the sequels to The Road to Winter, Animal Farm, 1984 and The Handmaid's Tale.

On Friday we all went to the library and chose a dystopian text to read individually.  Our shared reading list is here.  Please add the name of your novel to the list today.

Today, we will start with silent reading of our new books.  Then we are going to write a blog post introducing our novels.  I haven't checked our blog settings recently, so I may have some troubleshooting to do. The list of our blogs can be found here.

Your blog post should include:

  • The name and author of your text.  
  • Why you chose it.  
  • Where it is set - describe this in 100 words
  • Who the main character (protagonist) is.  Describe him/her in 100 words
  • What is the key challenge your protagonist faces?
If you have finished this in time, then have a look at this article on Hopepunk, and think about the role of hope in our own world and in the world of The Hunger Games, The Road to Winter and your chosen novel.

I think a real life example of hopepunk is Greta Thunberg.